Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A powerful story of transformation and destiny... When sixteen-year-old Jimmy Moretti is suddenly thrust into a series of miraculous encounters, his life is forever changed. Set against the backdrop of a small town, Jimmy's journey begins as he meets a powerful angelic warrior and becomes part of God's plan for Earth's final Great Revival. But as he navigates through heartwarming and heart-rending … [Read more...] about Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "AN EMOTIONAL AND STIRRING READ..." A boy is caught up in a miraculous adventure that transforms his life and changes the world! - A Powerful book! When a sixteen-year-old boy is suddenly caught up in a series of miraculous encounters, it heralds the start of a profound journey. For Jimmy Moretti it is the beginning of an adventure that will forever transform his life, rock his town, and trigger events that … [Read more...] about Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey Experience the Origin of a Prophet … A boy is caught up in a miraculous adventure that transforms his life and changes the world! - A Powerful book! When a sixteen-year-old boy is suddenly caught up in a series of miraculous encounters, it heralds the start of a profound journey. For Jimmy Moretti it is the beginning of an adventure that will forever transform his life, rock his town, and trigger events that will ultimately change the … [Read more...] about Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey
Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey Experience the Origin of a Prophet … A boy is caught up in a miraculous adventure that transforms his life and changes the world! - A Powerful book! When a sixteen-year-old boy is suddenly caught up in a series of miraculous encounters, it heralds the start of a profound journey. For Jimmy Moretti it is the beginning of an adventure that will forever transform his life, rock his town, and trigger events that will ultimately change the … [Read more...] about Within and Without Time by D. I. Hennessey
Birth Right: Galak’s Rising by Christina Goebel
Birth Right: Galak's Rising by Christina Goebel "A brilliant start to the series . . ." Prairies Book Review "Sci-fi and fantasy readers seeking a story that bridges several subgenres and fills its pages with impossible challenges and hope against all odds will find Birth Right: Galak's Rising an excellent story that stands well on its own, but sets the stage for more stories in the series. It's a vivid, memorable tale of choices, consequences, and their lasting impact on the future of … [Read more...] about Birth Right: Galak’s Rising by Christina Goebel
Featured Book: Soulgate – Temple of Souls by Robin G Howard
NEW SCI-FI FANTASY HORROR as an ANCIENT PSYCHIC FORCE UNLEASHES onto a TRANQUIL and PEACEFUL PLANET A vast ancient circular city found under the surface of a distant planet. What was its purpose? What is the ancient secret that lies under the surface of a planet? Why was it abandoned? A series of chilling events erupts into a peaceful society causing devastation to the infrastructure of religious and political life. As a strange and devouring mystic force is released Jim uses his psychic … [Read more...] about Featured Book: Soulgate – Temple of Souls by Robin G Howard